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Rev. Ian 

January 16, 1936 – October 29, 2018

Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart Rev. Ian  Stuart
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My memories of Ian Stuart

My memories of Ian Stuart: I met Ian over 10 years ago when, after transferring to Legion Branch #63 in Collingwood, I joined the executive committee and began my personal relationship with Ian. My best memories are around his words at Remembrance Day services. He played a significant roll in making them the best services I have ever attended; I frequently find myself wishing he could take over the services that I now attend. His reflections on the days of remembrance were always powerful, poignant, and brought tears to my eyes. With his permission, I have used and saved his words for use in my speeches and presentations related to remembrance. He was passionate in his ideas and argued his position fairly and without ranker. We remained friends despite our differences and frequently had a private word after a heated exchange that ensured we were clear we were arguing ideas, not personalities. I followed him into the position of Treasurer of the Branch and his was a wonderful model to emulate. He had a clear vision of what the Branch needed to do to survive financially and the best I could do was to follow his example and focus. He believed and supported the traditions of the service and the Legion but understood the need to change the financial and business side of the Branch. Two fun examples: he insisted that the bar be closed until he arrived to open it on Remembrance Day (if you werent going to the service, you werent going to sit and drink in the warm, dry members lounge); the price of the best single malt scotch at the branch was always kept at below market price from which both of us benefited. Marilyn always found him gentle, compassionate caring and knowing exactly what to say in any situation, happy or sad. Ken Douglas Nov. 8, 2018
Posted by Ken Douglas
Thursday November 8, 2018 at 4:51 pm
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